With this lengthened crisis, we remain concerned and united to those passing this period harshly.
As you may have noticed, the tools in which we invested in recent years, allows us to maintain our coaching in order to provide assistance for you and your team and bring solutions to new challenges (Business continuity, secure homeworking, solid internal communication…), proactively insuring the management of your IT infrastructure. Your coach is here to bring advice and hes expertise regarding these aspects and organize efficiently with you this new form of coaching.
Following the measures announced regarding the sanitary crisis, onsite interventions will only be possible if necessary. In this case, here is a reminder of the measures that needs to be followed:
o Wearing a mask is mandatory for our informagiciens and the persons they are going to be in contact with.
o Respect social distancing (1,5m).
o Our employees will use hand sanitizer before and after each intervention. They received their personal bottle. However, we appreciate the provision of it for your and their safety.
o We recommend providing an isolated room – office or meeting room – for their onsite interventions.
We hope that your organization, as well as its employees and their families, get through this period without any harm.
For the informagiciens